Multi-layer Business Cards Multilayer business cards comprise two layers of white paper with a double-layer coloured paperboard core, making them extremely durable and striking. The thick colourful stripe is a unique design feature, producing cards that will stick in people’s minds. Perfect for handing out at trade fairs, creative events and festivals, or in luxury boutiques.
Thick business cards in the UK
Luxurious multi layer business cards will give your brand an air of quality and show that you mean business! The extra layers also add durability, helping them to withstand wear and tear when carried around between appointments and events. Choose them to impress at trade fairs, that all-important business pitch or simply to add that additional touch of sophistication to leave a lasting impression on your customers.
Thick business card printing specifications
Our customised thick business cards in the UK are composed of several layers of materials, broken down as follows:
- Front – normal printing paper (100 gsm)
- A layer of thick coloured paper (210 gsm)
- A second layer of thick coloured paper (210 gsm)
- Back – normal printing paper (100 gsm)
That totals 620 gsm in thickness. You get a high-quality, durable, thick business card that you can be proud of.