Once the first chords of the Bridal March are floating in the air, it’s game time and an order of service ensures that everyone in a wedding party knows what to do and when to do it. Great aunt Marge will know when to sing her heart out and Cousin Jeremy will know when he has to put his phone away, stop taking pictures and stand quietly to listen to the vows.
It’s a real bonus to any wedding to have a service that flows uninterrupted. These orders of service don’t have to be strictly limited to just the ceremony because they can also set out the structure for the rest of the day. Some of the better orders of service we have seen have their back page dedicated to what’s happening after the “”I do-s”” so guests know where to go, what time to key events are happening and importantly, when to eat, drink and be merry.
Who knew love and commitment needed such organisation? Luckily, all you have to do is upload a design and we can take care of the print and delivery.”